Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My Secret Christmas Present

Edleen pass me my Christmas Present from my secret santa a few days ago .
I just love this Alpha, had been thinking of doing one myself but didn't get down to do it.
Thank you my secret santa!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Secret Santa Clause!

I did this little CD album for a Christmas Exchange.
I used the penny black rubber stamp to create the 3D cat.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Day of Fun at IMM

We had a day of fun with Ada and Dylis at IMM!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Foam Bear Workshops for Children

December Children Workshops @ various community centres.
We conducted several workshops during the 1st two weeks of this December and the kids had lots of fun pasting these foam bears!

More Clay Bears!

More bear necklace!
This lovely necklace can be worn as a charm bracelet too!

My Favourite Clay Bear!

Made this lovely clay bear necklace with glass beads and crystals.
Just simply love it!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Red Coral Sponge Ring (RCSR001) - $28.00

I just simply love this ring! I have been looking for this rose craving bead for a while and finally got my hands on several pieces. Wire is used to create this ring!

If you like to own one you can send me a email.

Flower Hair Comb (FHC001) - $14.90

This lovely hair comb is made with handmade clay beads and pearls.

Wire Flower Set (WFS001) - $18 per set

This is a lovely clay flower and Swarovski crystal wire bracelet set. There is the pink set, blue set and yellow set. This will make a lovely Christmas present. Upon ordering this set please indicate which colour set you prefer.

Christmas Card

Christmas is round the corner so I used the penny black rubber stamp to create this lovely Christmas card.

Cherry Blossom (CBL001) - $75 per set

Beautiful silver flower beads and Swarovski crystals were used to created this bracelet and ring set. You choose the colour you like for the crystals and I will custom made a new set for you.